Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day

Snow days are rare for me--I almost always make it into the office.  I kind of like being at work when very few people are there.  It's quiet, a bit more relaxed and I usually get a lot of work done.  When I woke up this morning though, it was clear to me that I wasn't making it to work today.  There were over 2 feet of snow on the ground and our cars were completely covered.  Anthony and I also don't own shovels so I knew it was going to be an ordeal to dig out. 

I did some work this morning, then we went outside and cleaned our cars and parking spaces.  Now, there's little left to do but watch television and make the coffee cake that I've been wanting to try.  Every hour or so, I walk by the window and look out at the snow.  All of the trees branches are covered in white; the glistening icicles on the back fence look like festive twinkle lights when the sun shines a certain way.  I can see why the dogs and cats at this tumblr page, Pets Looking Out the Window at Snow, can't tear themselves away from staring outside.  Enjoy the snow while it's still pretty (by tomorrow, it'll be dirty slush on the side of the road) and stay in 'snow mode;' there's supposed to be another storm in a few days!

Top photo courtesy of weheartit; Bottom photo courtesy of Pets Looking Out the Window at Snow tumblr

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